Meth possession is one of the most serious drug possession charges under Michigan law. If you are found in possession of meth, you can face an entire decade in prison. Yes, the stakes are very high. But, you aren’t without options—a local criminal defense attorney can help.
Possession of methamphetamine is a felony offense and a conviction means being labled a felon, among other things. Your future ability to get and maintain employment depends on minimizing the impact of these charges on your life. Whether you admit you broke the law or if you feel your are innocent, we can help defend you against these charges.
For some people, an arrest and meth possession charge represents rock-bottom. It provides the opportunity to get help for a drug problem. If you have a drug problem, this could be the chance for you to get treatment.
But, many people are charged with possession and don’t have a problem at all. Whether they were holding the drugs for someone else or had only tried it a few times, possession charges don’t only affect addicts.
Michigan Meth Possession – Laws & Penalties
If you are accused of meth possession, you will face a felony charge regardless of how much of the drug you have on you at the time of your arrest. This charge will carry up to 10 years in prison and $15,000 in fines.
If this is your first offense, there is a good chance the judge will suspend your sentence and allow you to serve probation instead. But you can bet that drug treatment will be one of the conditions of the probation.
Defense Strategies – Meth Possession in Michigan
Exactly how best to handle your defense is a decision that will be made using the experience of your defense lawyer and the facts of your case. Depending on your situation, a plea bargain may be appropriate—where you agree to plead guilty in exchange for a more lenient sentence.
Other cases may involve going to trial, defending your good name and fighting for the best results possible.
If the evidence used against you was not seized with respect to your constitutional rights, your attorney can challenge them in court, calling for suppression of the evidence and even a dismissal of the charges.
Depending on where you are charged, your case could also be eligible to be heard in drug court. These courts allow offenders to receive drug treatment and help while remaining in the community.
If you are accused of meth possession and are in need of assistance, contact us today. We can offer you a free initial consultation and potentially valuable legal advice.